Month: January 2023

Travel Tips

Tips for Parents Travelling with Children with Autism

Traveing with children with autism can be a rewarding and enriching experience, but it can also come with its own set of challenges. Here are a few tips to help make traveling with children with autism a little easier:

  1. Plan ahead: Planning ahead can help to reduce stress and increase the chances of a successful trip. Consider the specific needs of your child with autism, such as their preferred routine, sensory preferences, and any necessary accommodations. Research your destination to find out about any accessible facilities or resources that may be available.
  2. Pack familiar items: Pack familiar items, such as favorite toys, games, and comfort objects, to help reduce anxiety and provide a sense of familiarity in a new environment.
  3. Prepare for meltdowns: Children with autism may be more prone to meltdowns in new and unfamiliar environments. It’s important to be prepared and have strategies in place to manage these situations. This may include having a quiet place to retreat to, bringing along sensory items, or using deep pressure or other calming techniques.
  4. Communicate with airport and airline staff: Let airport and airline staff know about your child’s needs in advance, such as any necessary accommodations or support. This can help to ensure a smoother travel experience for everyone.
  5. Be flexible: Traveling with children with autism can sometimes require a little extra flexibility and patience. It’s important to be open to adjusting plans or changing schedules as needed to meet the needs of your child.

By following these tips, parents can help to make traveling with children with autism a little easier and more enjoyable for everyone.


2023 Certification and Licensing Requirements for ABA Therapists

As an ABA therapist, it’s important to understand the certification and licensing requirements in your state in order to practice legally and ethically. These requirements can vary from state to state, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the specific requirements in your area.

In 2023, here are a few key certification and licensing requirements for ABA therapists to be aware of:

  1. Certification: Many states require ABA therapists to be certified by a professional organization, such as the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB). To be eligible for certification, you must typically have a graduate degree in a related field and complete a certain number of supervised hours of experience.
  2. Licensing: Some states also require ABA therapists to be licensed in order to practice legally. To be eligible for a license, you may need to meet certain education and experience requirements, as well as pass an exam.
  3. Continuing education: Most states require ABA therapists to complete a certain number of continuing education (CE) hours in order to maintain their certification or license. These hours can be obtained through a variety of methods, such as attending conferences, workshops, or online courses.

By staying up-to-date on certification and licensing requirements, ABA therapists can ensure that they are practicing legally and ethically, and that they are providing the best possible care for their clients.

boy With Park Trash

Celebrate the Small Wins

As the parent of a non-verbal child with autism, I’ve learned to find joy in the small things. For example, one of my favorite moments came when my son was about three years old. He had always struggled to communicate his needs, and we were constantly trying to find ways to help him express himself.

One day, we were out at the park when my son suddenly ran over to a trash can and started frantically pointing at it. My husband and I looked at each other, wondering what on earth he was trying to say. After a moment of confusion, we realized that he was trying to tell us that he was hungry.

We quickly pulled out a snack from our bag and offered it to him. As he happily munched on his treat, we couldn’t help but laugh and feel heart-warmed by the progress he had made in communicating his needs. It was a small moment, but it meant the world to us as parents.

As I’ve learned over the years, parenting a child with autism is full of ups and downs, but it’s also full of moments of joy and pride. It’s these small victories that keep us going and remind us of how far our children have come. So, don’t lose hope and keep trying to communicate with your child. Every small step matters.

Autism may change the path, but it doesn’t define the journey

As a parent, I have come to realize that autism may change the path of our journey through life, but it does not define it.

When our child was diagnosed with autism, it was a difficult and emotional time. We were unsure of what the future held and how this would impact our child’s development and overall quality of life.

However, as time has passed and we have learned more about autism and how to best support our child, we have come to see that it is just one aspect of who they are. It does not define them or limit their potential.

Sure, there may be challenges and obstacles along the way. There may be therapies and interventions that are necessary to help our child reach their full potential. But, ultimately, it is up to us as parents to help our child navigate their unique path and to support them as they grow and develop.

And as we do this, we have come to realize that our child is just like any other child – full of potential, curiosity, and a love of life. They may learn and process information differently, but that does not mean they are any less capable or deserving of a fulfilling and meaningful life.

So, while autism may change the path of our journey, it does not define it. It is just one stop along the way, and we will continue to support and advocate for our child as they make their way through this beautiful and unpredictable journey called life.