
Letter to School District Asking for Financial Support with Outplacement to Private School

Dear [Representative/School District],

I am writing to request financial support for the outplacement of my child to a private school that specializes in educating children on the autism spectrum.

As a parent of a child with autism, I understand the unique challenges and struggles that my child faces in a traditional school setting. Despite the efforts of their teachers and support staff, my child has struggled to make progress and fully participate in their education.

After much research and consideration, I have found a private school that offers the specialized supports and accommodations that my child needs to thrive. This school has a proven track record of helping children on the autism spectrum achieve academic and social success.

However, the cost of outplacing my child to this private school is beyond our family’s financial means. As a result, I am asking for your assistance in providing financial support to cover the cost of my child’s education at this specialized private school.

I understand that providing financial support for outplacement is not common practice, but I believe that it is in the best interest of my child and their future. With your help, my child will have the opportunity to receive the education and support they need to reach their full potential.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to discussing this matter further with you and finding a solution that benefits my child’s education and future.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Current Treatment Practices of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex condition that affects communication, social interactions, and behavior. The way autism is understood and treated has changed significantly in recent years, with new evidence-based approaches that focus on early diagnosis and intervention.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ASD affects approximately 1 in 68 children, with boys being more likely to be diagnosed than girls. The most obvious symptoms of autism typically appear between 2 and 3 years of age, but the disorder can be diagnosed as early as 18 months in children. Unfortunately, however, many children are not diagnosed until age four.

Early diagnosis and intervention for children with autism is critical and greatly improves outcomes of the disorder. The CDC recommends regular screenings of young children for signs of autism, and parents are encouraged to monitor early signs and symptoms and bring any concerns to the attention of the pediatrician.

One of the most successful evidence-based treatment approaches for ASD is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). ABA is a behavioral learning program that uses theories from behavioral psychology to reinforce and encourage positive behaviors and discourage negative behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorders. Additionally, ABA teaches children important new skills and how to apply those skills to real-life situations.

ABA therapy was first introduced by Ivar Lovaas, a psychologist from the University of California, Los Angeles. His 1987 study, “Behavioral Treatment and Normal Educational and Intellectual Functioning in Young Autistic Children,” showed that children who received 40 hours a week of intensive behavioral therapy following Lovaas’s methods and theories for two to six years had significant improvements in symptoms, including socialization, and cognitive improvements.

Today, ABA is considered the gold standard for the behavioral treatment of children with autism spectrum disorders. There are multiple types of education programs for individuals interested in a career in ABA therapy at the undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate level. However, regardless of their educational background, all professionals require certification before practicing in ABA therapy. Certificate programs include Board Certified Behavioral Analyst, Certified Autism Specialists, Registered Behavior Technician, and Autism certificates that complement another type of advanced degree.

In conclusion, the way we understand and treat autism has changed significantly in recent years, with a focus on early diagnosis and intervention. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is one of the most successful evidence-based treatment approaches for autism spectrum disorder, and there are multiple education and certification programs available for individuals interested in a career in ABA therapy. With the right support and intervention, children with autism can have a better chance of reaching their full potential.

Smartphone Apps

Smartphone Apps to Help People with Autism to Manage Adult Life Responsibilities.

Living with autism can present unique challenges, especially when it comes to managing adult life responsibilities. From paying bills and keeping track of appointments to finding employment and building social connections, these tasks can be overwhelming for individuals with autism.

Fortunately, there are a number of smartphone apps that can help people with autism to manage adult life responsibilities more effectively. These apps offer a variety of features, such as organization tools, communication aids, and social skills training.

One app that may be helpful is called “My Autism Team.” This app allows individuals with autism to connect with a network of professionals, including therapists, doctors, and educators, who can provide support and guidance. The app also offers tools for organization, such as a calendar and task list, and a messaging feature for communication with team members.

Another app called “Autism & Beyond” offers social skills training through video modeling. This app provides video examples of appropriate social behaviors in various situations, such as starting a conversation or making eye contact.

For individuals with autism who are seeking employment, the “Autism Job Club” app can be a useful resource. This app helps individuals with autism to search for and apply for jobs, as well as connect with potential employers.

There are many other apps available that can help people with autism to manage adult life responsibilities. It is important for individuals to find the app that works best for their needs and preferences. With the right tools, individuals with autism can lead fulfilling and independent lives.

Video Games

Using Video Games in Behavioral Therapy

Video games have become increasingly popular as a tool in behavioral therapy, particularly for individuals with autism. Here are a few reasons why video games can be effective in behavioral therapy:

  1. They can provide a fun and engaging way to teach skills: Video games can be a fun and engaging way to teach a wide range of skills, such as social skills, communication, problem-solving, and more. By presenting these skills in a game format, therapists can make learning more enjoyable and motivating for clients.
  2. They can be customized to meet individual needs: Video games can be customized to meet the unique needs and goals of each individual. For example, a therapist can choose a game that focuses on a specific skill that the client is working on, or they can adjust the difficulty level to match the client’s ability.
  3. They can provide immediate feedback: Many video games provide immediate feedback on performance, which can be helpful for reinforcing desired behaviors and skills. This can help to increase motivation and encourage ongoing progress.
  4. They can be used to promote social interaction: Some video games, such as collaborative games or virtual reality games, can promote social interaction and help individuals with autism practice social skills in a more controlled environment.
  5. They can be used to promote generalization: Video games can be used to promote generalization of skills, which means transferring skills learned in therapy to real-life situations. For example, a therapist can use a game to teach a client how to ask for a drink at a restaurant, and then have the client

Grandmas and Grandpas are the Real MVPs: How Grandparents Can Boost Early Development for Kids on the Autism Spectrum

Grandparents are like superheros for kids on the autism spectrum. Their love and guidance can have a powerful impact on the well-being and success of these little ones. Here’s how grandparents can use their powers for good:

  • Security and stability: Grandparents provide a sense of security and stability for kids with autism, who may struggle with change and unpredictability. They’re like a comforting, familiar constant in the child’s life.
  • Unconditional love and acceptance: Kids with autism may face social stigma and misunderstanding from others, but grandparents offer unconditional love and acceptance. This helps the child feel valued and supported, even when the outside world can be tough.
  • Role models: Grandparents can serve as role models for kids with autism, showing them how to navigate social situations and express their emotions in appropriate ways. Their guidance and support helps the child develop important social skills.
  • Sense of belonging: For kids with autism, who may have a harder time building and maintaining relationships, having a close connection with their grandparents can provide a sense of belonging and family connection.
  • Supporting interests and passions: Grandparents can nurture and support the child’s interests and passions, encouraging their growth and development in areas that are meaningful to them.

Grandparents are amazing and have the ability to make a positive impact on the early development of kids with autism. Their love and guidance helps these little ones thrive and reach their full potential.

2022 Professional Development Opportunities, Conferences, and workshops

As an ABA therapist, it’s important to prioritize ongoing professional development in order to stay up-to-date on the latest research and best practices in the field. One great way to do this is by attending conferences and workshops.

In 2022, there are many professional development opportunities available for ABA therapists. Here are a few conferences and workshops to consider:


1. The Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) Annual Convention: This is the largest conference for behavior analysts, and it offers a wide range of sessions and workshops on topics such as ABA theory, research, and practice.

The Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) Annual Convention is a major event in the field of behavior analysis. It brings together professionals, researchers, students, and educators from around the world to share the latest research and developments in the field.

The ABAI Annual Convention is typically held in the spring and attracts thousands of attendees. It features a wide range of presentations, workshops, and panel discussions on a variety of topics related to behavior analysis. These may include applied behavior analysis (ABA), behavioral psychology, developmental disabilities, and autism.

In addition to the educational sessions, the ABAI Annual Convention also includes networking opportunities, such as poster presentations and social events. It is a great opportunity for attendees to connect with others in the field, share ideas, and collaborate on future projects.

The ABAI Annual Convention is a valuable resource for professionals and students interested in staying up-to-date on the latest research and developments in behavior analysis. It is also a great opportunity for attendees to learn from leading experts in the field and gain new insights and perspectives on a variety of topics.

Overall, the ABAI Annual Convention is an essential event for anyone interested in behavior analysis and the latest research in the field. It is a great opportunity to learn, connect with others, and stay current on the latest developments in the field.


2. The National Autism Conference: This conference is specifically geared towards professionals working with individuals with autism, and it offers a variety of sessions on topics such as assessment, intervention, and research.

The National Autism Conference is an annual event that brings together professionals, parents, and individuals with autism to share the latest research and developments in the field of autism. The conference is typically held in the fall and attracts attendees from across the United States.

The National Autism Conference features a wide range of presentations and workshops on a variety of topics related to autism. These may include applied behavior analysis (ABA), developmental disabilities, communication, and social skills training. The conference also often includes panel discussions, networking opportunities, and resources for individuals with autism and their families.

In addition to the educational sessions, the National Autism Conference also includes keynote speakers who are leading experts in the field of autism. These speakers provide valuable insights and perspectives on a variety of topics related to autism and offer attendees the opportunity to learn from the best in the field.

The National Autism Conference is a valuable resource for professionals and families interested in staying up-to-date on the latest research and developments in the field of autism. It is also a great opportunity for attendees to connect with others, share ideas, and learn from the experiences of others.

Overall, the National Autism Conference is an essential event for anyone interested in autism and the latest research and developments in the field. It is a great opportunity to learn, connect with others, and stay current on the latest developments in the field.


3. The Verbal Behavior Institute (VBI) Summer Institute: This intensive workshop is designed for ABA therapists and educators who are interested in learning more about the principles of verbal behavior and how to apply them in their practice.

The Verbal Behavior Institute (VBI) Summer Institute is an annual event that brings together professionals and students interested in the field of verbal behavior. The institute is typically held in the summer and attracts attendees from across the United States.

The VBI Summer Institute features a wide range of presentations and workshops on a variety of topics related to verbal behavior. These may include applied behavior analysis (ABA), language development, and autism. The institute also often includes panel discussions, networking opportunities, and resources for professionals and students interested in verbal behavior.

In addition to the educational sessions, the VBI Summer Institute also includes keynote speakers who are leading experts in the field of verbal behavior. These speakers provide valuable insights and perspectives on a variety of topics related to verbal behavior and offer attendees the opportunity to learn from the best in the field.

The VBI Summer Institute is a valuable resource for professionals and students interested in staying up-to-date on the latest research and developments in the field of verbal behavior. It is also a great opportunity for attendees to connect with others, share ideas, and learn from the experiences of others.

Overall, the VBI Summer Institute is an essential event for anyone interested in verbal behavior and the latest research and developments in the field. It is a great opportunity to learn, connect with others, and stay current on the latest developments in the field.


4. The Autism Research Institute (ARI) Annual Conference: This conference is focused on the latest research and best practices in autism treatment, and it offers a variety of sessions and workshops for professionals working with individuals with autism.

The Autism Research Institute (ARI) Annual Conference is an annual event that brings together professionals, parents, and individuals with autism to share the latest research and developments in the field of autism. The conference is typically held in the fall and attracts attendees from across the United States.

The ARI Annual Conference features a wide range of presentations and workshops on a variety of topics related to autism. These may include applied behavior analysis (ABA), developmental disabilities, communication, and social skills training. The conference also often includes panel discussions, networking opportunities, and resources for individuals with autism and their families.

In addition to the educational sessions, the ARI Annual Conference also includes keynote speakers who are leading experts in the field of autism. These speakers provide valuable insights and perspectives on a variety of topics related to autism and offer attendees the opportunity to learn from the best in the field.

The ARI Annual Conference is a valuable resource for professionals and families interested in staying up-to-date on the latest research and developments in the field of autism. It is also a great opportunity for attendees to connect with others, share ideas, and learn from the experiences of others.

Overall, the ARI Annual Conference is an essential event for anyone interested in autism and the latest research and developments in the field. It is a great opportunity to learn, connect with others, and stay current on the latest developments in the field.


By attending conferences and workshops, ABA therapists can learn from experts in the field, network with colleagues, and gain new skills and knowledge to bring back to their practice. So, make sure to take advantage of these professional development opportunities in 2022!

Strategies for Managing Challenging Behavior for Therapists and for Parents

Managing challenging behavior is a common concern for both ABA therapists and parents of children with autism. Here are a few strategies that can be helpful for managing challenging behavior in both settings:

  1. Identify the function of the behavior: It’s important to understand why a behavior is occurring in order to effectively manage it. Is the behavior being used as a way to communicate a need or desire, or is it being used to get attention or avoid a task? Understanding the function of the behavior can help to guide the development of a more effective and appropriate response.
  2. Use positive reinforcement: Positive reinforcement involves reinforcing desired behaviors by providing a positive consequence, such as praise or a reward, when the behavior is exhibited. This can help to increase the frequency of desired behaviors and decrease the frequency of challenging behaviors.
  3. Set clear and consistent expectations: Clearly communicating expectations and consistently following through with consequences can help to reduce challenging behavior. It’s important to be consistent and fair in the expectations you set and the consequences you provide.
  4. Use visual supports: Visual supports, such as schedules, visual prompts, and social stories, can be helpful for managing challenging behavior. These supports can provide structure and predictability, and can help to reduce anxiety and confusion.
  5. Seek support: If challenging behavior is becoming overwhelming or difficult to manage, it may be helpful to seek support from a behavior therapist or other professional. They can work with you to develop a plan to effectively manage the behavior and support the individual’s overall development.

By using these strategies, ABA therapists and parents can effectively manage challenging behavior and support the development and progress of their clients and children.


Mask-erade: How to Get Your Autistic Child to Wear a Facemask during the COVID-19 Pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, it’s important for everyone, including children with autism, to wear a facemask to help prevent the spread of the virus. However, getting children with autism to wear a facemask can be a challenge, as they may be resistant to new or unfamiliar objects or experiences.

Here are a few tips for getting your autistic child to wear a facemask:

  1. Use visual supports: Many children with autism respond well to visual supports, such as pictures or videos. Show your child pictures or videos of people wearing facemasks, and explain that wearing a facemask helps to keep us and others safe from germs.
  2. Start slow: Gradually introduce the idea of wearing a facemask. You might start by showing your child the facemask and allowing them to touch and explore it, then gradually work up to wearing it for short periods of time.
  3. Make it a game: Children with autism may be more likely to engage with a new activity if it’s presented as a game. Try turning putting on and wearing a facemask into a fun activity, like a treasure hunt or a dress-up game.
  4. Use positive reinforcement: Rewarding your child for wearing a facemask can help to encourage them to continue doing so. You might use verbal praise, stickers, or small rewards to reinforce the behavior.
  5. Seek support: If you’re struggling to get your child to wear a facemask, it can be helpful to seek support from a therapist or other professional. They may be able to provide additional strategies and techniques for encouraging your child to wear a facemask.

Overall, getting your autistic child to wear a facemask may take time and patience. But by using visual supports, starting slow, making it a game, using positive reinforcement, and seeking support, you can help your child to feel more comfortable and confident wearing a facemask.

Recent Developments in Applied Behavior Analysis 2020

As a student or professional in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), it is crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest research and developments in the field. ABA is an essential part of our social structure, impacting areas such as education, healthcare, and even corporate settings. But with the constant evolution of the field, how do you ensure you are current with the latest trends and scientific advancements? In this blog post, we will highlight five recent developments in ABA that you should be aware of.

  1. Advances in Data Collection/Sharing: For many decades, data collection in the field of ABA was a closely guarded secret. However, with the advent of computerization and the creation of hand-held audio/visual recording devices, professionals can now observe and collect data from afar. This allows for rapid collection of patterns and evidence, leading to more efficient and effective solutions.

  2. Advances in Diagnostic Methods Bringing Early Detection: The detection and monitoring of behavioral issues have developed into a science. Medical practitioners are now well-versed in the symptoms of disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), allowing for early detection and intervention.

  3. The Addition of ABA into Teaching Curriculums: ABA is becoming an increasingly popular method for teaching and education. It is now being incorporated into teaching curriculums, providing students with a more personalized and effective learning experience.

  4. The Increasing Factor of Functional Assessment: Functional assessment is becoming an increasingly important aspect of ABA. It involves identifying the specific functions of a behavior and addressing the underlying causes, leading to more effective intervention plans.

  5. The Development of Effective Behavior Intervention Plans: The development of effective behavior intervention plans is crucial in ABA. This includes identifying target behaviors, setting measurable goals, and implementing interventions that address the underlying causes of the behavior.

In conclusion, as a student or professional in the field of ABA, it is essential to stay current with the latest developments and trends in the field. By understanding these recent advancements, you can improve your practice and provide better support for your clients. Don’t forget to explore more about these topics, as well as the technology available for data collection and analysis, to work smarter and not harder.

Hasidic Communities

Autism in Hasidic Communities. What Resources are Available to Hasidic Families

Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the way an individual communicates and interacts with others. It is a spectrum disorder, meaning that it can present itself in a range of severity and symptoms. While autism is found in all cultural and socio-economic groups, there is a lack of information and resources available for autism in Hasidic communities.

It is difficult to accurately estimate the prevalence of autism in Hasidic communities because they do not participate in many of the national health studies that collect this data. However, it is believed that the prevalence of autism in Hasidic communities is similar to the general population.

Like any other community, Hasidic families with children with autism face many challenges. They may struggle with finding appropriate educational and therapeutic resources, as well as navigating the social stigma surrounding autism. Many Hasidic communities do not have access to the same medical and mental health resources as the general population, which can make it even more difficult for families to find support.

There are a few organizations that offer resources for Hasidic families affected by autism. One such organization is Eis Laasois, a non-profit organization based in New York that provides support and resources to Hasidic families affected by autism and other special needs. They offer a variety of services, including education, occupational therapy, and social skills training.

It is important for Hasidic families to know that they are not alone in their journey with autism. While resources may be limited in their communities, there are organizations and individuals who are dedicated to providing support and assistance to families affected by autism. If you or someone you know is a Hasidic family affected by autism, reach out to organizations like Eis Laasois for support and resources.